This is all new to me. My good friend Jeanette Good told me about this very important day today! If you dress up like a cow and go to Chick-fil A, you get a free meal. It is Cow Appreciation Day! Love it! She told me about this last night. I immediately went into "What do I have to dress up like a cow?" mode. The answer was "NOTHING!" So I decided that face painting would be my only option. Maryn has been visiting for a couple of weeks from Washington and so she got to join in on the fun. I painted all of the girls' faces, but the boys would have nothing to do with it. We cut up a black table clothe for the spots. They looked cute. It was fun sprinkled with completely craziness. It is amazing what people will do for free food. Ahhhhhh Memories! That is what it is all about.
The question is, are they dogs or COWS!!!!!!!